TALKING SPANISH TUTOR Program Name: Early Spanish ver 1.5 BBS File Name: ESP101.ZIP and ESP102.ZIP Program Type: Spanish Teacher Author: DareWare SW Reg: $29 Comment: !WOW! Special Requirements: EGA/VGA, Sound Blaster (or compatible) Here's a Spanish teacher like you've never seen before. By using a Sound Blaster, it recites words in English and Spanish as clear and concise as you'll find anywhere. In fact when I first loaded it, it startled me as I wasn't expecting a voice as clear as it was. Here is truly an educational program that will indeed teach your child basic Spanish. Installation was a simple procedure using the included INSTALL program. Once installed, all you need to do is load the program and a very colorful menu appears. You'll have 9 choices. Most of the program is aimed at very young children. In fact, they don't need to be able to read to use the program. But, you will want to use it with them. You'll have a good time with it as well. "Keyboard Banger 123" - When the child presses a number, it will be spoken in English and Spanish. There is also a nice kaleidoscope displayed while it's waiting for a number to be pressed. "Your Phone No. Is" - This part of EARLY SPANISH teaches your child his phone number and an EMERGENCY number. These are entered by you using the "Adult Control" explained below. "Find The Number" - The computer will recite a number and the child tries to find it on the keyboard. Here, there are encouraging words even when they get it wrong. "Easy Counting" - This is a little game where the child counts the colorful balloons. There is also an Addition Game, Subtraction Games, and a simple drawing program. In every drill or game, all the words are spoken in English and Spanish. "Adult Control" - With this option you can turn Spanish/English ON/OFF, change the phone numbers, or turn the Kaleidoscope ON/OFF. It even tells you how to record your own voice for inclusion in the program. The Shareware version of EARLY SPANISH teaches numbers only. However, when you register, you'll receive the ADVANCED version with the Alphabet, words, reading, spelling, and a FREE program. With a modest fee of $29, I'd call this a pretty good deal! Even if you aren't interested in the program itself, at least check out the excellent voices in EARLY SPANISH. They're truly amazing.